Land price
Free online calculator, fast and without contact information

Frequently asked questions
What sources do the results come from and how accurate are they?
Our real estate market price estimate calculation system works with a comprehensive algorithm. It processes input data online, which it obtains from publicly available sources and from information of individual public administration institutions. Furthermore, experts in the real estate market throughout the Czech Republic collaborate on our project. They help us to constantly refine the results and individual parts of the calculation. We strive to make the entire project intuitive and user-friendly. For that reason, when creating our online calculator, we limited the amount of data entered by the user to the necessary level so that the calculator could be used by the lay public as well. Therefore, the calculation is indicative to a certain extent. If necessary, our specialists are at your disposal, and based on the more detailed information you provide them, they can refine the result.
Why can the service be completely free?
The project is financed through cooperation with our real estate partners. Users who need to use additional services and the estimation of the market price of their property was only the initial step, can ask us for a recommendation of a verified, reliable partner for the sale or rental of their property.
Can you help me sell or rent my property? cooperates with verified experts from the real estate market throughout the Czech Republic. If our users are interested, we can recommend experts providing these services. We can guarantee the work of our partners –- we choose them really carefully.
I have bad experiences with similar services. Is the service really anonymous?
Yes. Displaying the result in the online calculator is not conditional on filling in any contact information.
Is it possible to consult the result from the online calculator with an expert? cooperates with verified experts from the real estate market throughout the Czech Republic who, among other things, help our project to constantly refine the data. If our users are interested, these experts are also available for consultations. Of course, these services are also free for our users.